Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: monette lyan [License]

Did the UN Finally Get Something Right Regarding Jerusalem?

The United Nation’s history when it comes to Jerusalem, and in fact, when it comes to Israel as a whole, is filled with bias, shame and darkness. However, as we know, truth will eventually shine through the darkness. Is it possible that the UN accidentally shared a bit of truth about Jerusalem? This article shares the point…

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: monette lyan [License]

The UN got it right for a change

Article Courtesy: Israel National News

On December 21st, the General Assembly of the UN (UNGA) adopted Resolution A/ES‑10/L.22, titled “Status of Jerusalem”, proposed by Yemen and Turkey, and passed by 128 votes to 9 against with 21 absentees and 35 abstentions:

“The General Assembly… Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, … Affirms that any decisions and actions which purport to have altered the character, status or demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal effect, are null and void and must be rescinded…” (full text at

Right. Absolutely and unequivocally correct. For maybe the first time in their otherwise worse-than-miserable history, those nudniks over in 760 United Nations Plaza in Manhattan have actually got something right.

They can start with the Romans. When the Roman Empire conquered Jerusalem in the year 70, destroyed our Holy Temple, and Romanised our Holy City – the UN resolution means that action, which altered the character, status and demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem, had no legal effect, is null and void, and must be rescinded.

That is to say, Jerusalem must return to the status quo ante: Jewish sovereignty over an undivided Jerusalem, and the Holy Temple restored on the Temple Mount.

When the Roman Emperor Hadrian rebuilt Jerusalem as a Roman city circa the year 120; when he renamed it Aelia Capitolina – Aelia for his own name (Publius Aelius Hadrianus), and Capitolina for Jupiter (whose temple in Rome stood on the Capitolene hill); and when he re-built the Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem as an idolatrous temple to Jupiter; when he outlawed several Jewish religious practices, such as the Sabbath and circumcision – those changes to Jerusalem and those decrees were null and void, and must be rescinded.

And when the Arab Moslem armies conquered Jerusalem (actually all Israel) by military force in 638 C.E. and colonised it, and when they thereby altered its character, status and demographic composition – the changes they inflicted upon Jerusalem were illegal.

UNGA Resolution A/ES‑10/L.22 explicitly states that the Arab Moslem conquest of Jerusalem was illegal, and all the changes they made to Jerusalem must be rescinded.

And all Islamic structures which the Arab and Moslem colonialists subsequently built in Jerusalem are null and void, and must be rescinded.

When the Arab Moslems conquered Jerusalem, settled there, Arabised the city, destroyed churches, and built mosques (most of the Synagogues had long since been destroyed by the Romans), they unequivocally altered the character, status and demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem.

Those religious, social, and demographic changes they made to Jerusalem are all null and void, and must be rescinded.

When the Caliph Abd Al-Malik commissioned the Dome of the Rock to be built on the site of the ancient Jewish Holy Temple in 691, he violated the status quo of Jerusalem’s character. And now (albeit a millennium-and-a-third too late), the General Assembly of the UN has finally declared that that structure is illegal and must be rescinded.

And likewise the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Mosque of Omar, and all other Islamic structures in Jerusalem were therefore built illegally and must be destroyed… oops, I mean “rescinded”.

When the Moslem Turkish Tulunides invaded Israel in 878 and drove out the Arab Moslems – that invasion was illegal and must be rescinded.

When the Arab/Islamic Empire, by now ruled by the Abbasids in Baghdad (present-day Iraq), re-conquered Palestine from the Turks in 904 – that invasion was illegal and must be rescinded.

When the Egyptian Moslems, led by the Ikhshidi princes, invaded and conquered Israel in 943 – that invasion was illegal and must be rescinded.

When the Caliphate (by then centred in Cairo, Egypt) invaded and conquered Israel in 969 – that invasion was illegal and must be rescinded.

And the same applies to the Byzantine invasion and conquest of Israel in 970, the Turkish Seljuk invasion and conquest in 1070, the Crusader invasion and conquest in 1099, the Moslem invasion and conquest led by Salah al-Din (Saladin) in 1187, the Kharezmian invasion in 1244, the Mongol invasion in 1260, the Turkish Ottoman invasion in 1517, the French invasion and [failed] conquest in 1799, the [brief] Egyptian occupation of 1831, the British invasion and conquest in 1917, and the illegal Jordanian occupation of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967.

All these, the General Assembly of the UN has finally resolved, have no legal effect, are null and void and must be rescinded.

It is, indeed, high time that we take those UN nudniks at their word and respect their Resolution. All changes made to our Holy City of Jerusalem by all foreign occupiers, invaders, imperialists, and colonialists since the Jews made it their capital over 3000 years ago, indeed have no legal effect, are indeed null and void and must indeed be rescinded.

Starting with the illegal Moslem structures on the Temple Mount.

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