Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Neta Bartal [License]

How Can I Help Jerusalem Remain Israel’s Unified Eternal Capital?

“I believe in the TRUTH about Jerusalem and I know that it has been the capital of the Jewish Nation for thousands of years. But what can I personally do to help fight the lies and the war against Jerusalem?” This is a popular question that we hear all of the time. Here are a few things that you can do to help right now! Best of all, it’s all FREE!

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: Neta Bartal [License]

1. Arm yourself with knowledge!

Take the time to research the history of Jerusalem through the millennia. The city has a long history and there is much to learn and understand. Without having the facts, it’s hard to fight the lies. Jerusalem has many enemies that have been spreading lies and hate for so many years. It is only though solid research and facts that we can change the tides.


2. Share your thoughts far and wide!

Take the time to speak to your family, your friends, anyone who will listen about Jerusalem. Don’t just read a supportive article or watch a good video and then pass it by. Take the time to share it and get involved in a discussion about it. Social media is a great way to share thoughts and support your ideas with facts and proofs. It is also an excellent way to encourage public discourse. And why is this important? Because public discussions allow for the message to be spread further and faster. It also allows others to help you strengthen your points and fill in gaps when necessary. Most importantly, it shows the general public that we won’t sit idly by as someone tries to trash Israel and make false accusations about Jerusalem. Take a minute to write a comment, click a ‘Like’ and share articles and videos. Invite others to ‘Like’ and follow One Jerusalem on Facebook. Share our website with others. However, social media is just one method. Take the time to have face-to-face or phone conversations about Jerusalem. There’s nothing like the personal aspect of a conversation with all of the real-time back and forth.


3. Stand proud when you defend Jerusalem!

There are plenty of elements out there who have fabricated all kinds of lies. They write about them, comment about them and even scream about them. The latest fad is to just call it “a narrative” and somehow that’s supposed to make it acceptable to outright lie. It’s our job to make it the latest fad to always tell the truth… using facts. Sometimes we would just rather go the path of least resistance and overlook the lies and hate. Sometimes we just don’t see the point in trying to fight… “I’m not going to convince them anyway,” we say to ourselves. However, this just allows the lies to fester and grow. We may not be able to change the minds of those who are so deeply entrenched in the deception. However, we can influence the “bystanders” who are relatively undecided and watch the debate from the sidelines. If the truth isn’t properly represented then we’re allowing the lies to get more traction. Join the discussions online, at work or wherever you find yourself. Never be ashamed to stand up for the TRUTH about Jerusalem. We can’t allow the anti-Israel elements to continue to spread lies, big or small, about Jerusalem without countering those lies every single time!


4. Push your elected officials!

It’s the job of our elected officials to use their positions to support truth and peace in the world. The time has come to pressure our public representatives to take action and follow through. Some politicians will say and do whatever it takes to get elected and stay in office. However, it’s our job to keep the good ones, dump the bad and pressure all of them to do what is right. Don’t get discouraged and don’t allow yourself to get distracted. Take the time to call and write to every one of your elected officials to demand that they stand up for Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal unified capital. These politicians will respond when they realize that the public stands with Israel as the sovereign of Jerusalem. That’s simply because they know that the voting public will remember the politician’s stance on Jerusalem next election. Make sure to contact officials who are both pro and against Jerusalem. Don’t allow a Jerusalem-friendly official to get away with not doing every single thing in his or her power to help Jerusalem. Always make them follow through on their promises. Now, take a few minutes to look up the addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for your representatives and contact them right now!


5. Recruit help from others!

Speak to your local thought-leaders, such as spiritual leaders, principals, teachers, social group heads, etc. Ask them to actively and publicly speak out in support of Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal unified capital. Ask them to share the facts and help fight the inaccuracies and outright lies. Plan public programs with them that allow the message of truth to be spread far and wide. Complacency is always washed out by the active lies and hate. We need to fight back against that by becoming active!


6. Come visit Jerusalem!

There’s really nothing like seeing and experiencing the facts first hand. Your personal experiences of Jerusalem along with pictures and actual stories will go a long way when you’re trying to make a point to family and friends. Show them pictures of the ancient archaeology, the millennia of hard facts, the active growth and development of Jerusalem by the Jewish Nation even until today. Show everyone how Israel allows for the freedoms of democracy and all religions without discrimination. Explain to everyone what you saw and experienced. After all, the truth coming from you personally is so much harder for them to deny.


Thanks for taking the time to shine the light of TRUTH on Jerusalem!

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