Illustrative photo by Andrew Shiva [CC BY-SA 3.0 or Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

Jerusalem in truly the eternal undivided capital of Israel

In light of the confusion evident in the recently presented “Deal of the Century” peace plan, it is necessary to set the record completely straight. At one point the U.S. president declares that Jerusalem will remain the undivided capital of Israel. Yet, at another point, he discusses the possibility of establishing (for the first time in human history) a “State of Palestine” with a capital in “Eastern Jerusalem.” The word “undivided” is not a vague one and there’s absolutely no room to blur the lines here.


So, let us be clear… there is only one city of Jerusalem and it is Israel’s eternal undivided capital. There is no such place called Eastern Jerusalem… or for that matter, Western Jerusalem, Northern Jerusalem or Southern Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a single and ancient city established thousands of years ago. In all of its history, Jerusalem was only divided for 19 years — between the years 1948 through 1967 when the Jordanians had occupied part of the city and made sure that not a single Jewish person could live or visit there. However, the Jewish Nation reunified the city in the 1967 “Six Day War” and has maintained Jerusalem as its unified capital. It should also be noted that throughout the millennia, and despite being conquered and re-conquered by invading armies throughout the millennia, only one people has ever maintained Jerusalem as its capital — the Jewish People. The ancient Israelites were the first to do so and again, in 1948 with the establishment of the modern State of Israel, the Jewish Nation re-crowned Jerusalem as the eternal capital. Once its reunification in 1967, Jerusalem was re-established as Israel’s eternal unified capital — and must remain so 100%.

Illustrative photo by Andrew Shiva [CC BY-SA 3.0 or Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

Deal of the Century: Undivided Jerusalem, sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

Article Courtesy: Arutz Sheva

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a joint address at the White House Tuesday afternoon.
“Today Israel takes a big step towards peace,” Trump said at the start of his remarks. “Young people across the Middle East are ready for a more hopeful future, and governments throughout the region are realizing that terrorism and Islamic extremism are everyone’s common enemy.”
“Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with both the prime minister of Israel and a man that’s working very hard to become the prime minister of Israel in the longest-running election of all time, Benny Gantz of the Blue and White party. And both leaders joined me to express their support for this effort, proving that the State of Israel is looking for peace, and that peace transcends politics by any measure,” Trump added.
The president said that he was “deeply moved and amazed by what the small country [of Israel] had achieved in the face of overwhelming odds.”
“The State of Israel comprises only a minuscule amount of land in the Middle East, and yet it has become a thriving center of democracy, innovation, culture, and commerce. Israel is a light unto the world,” Trump declared.
The president revealed details of his long-awaited ‘Deal of the Century’ for Middle East peace.
As part of his plan, Trump declared that Jerusalem would remain the “undivided capital” of Israel. However, he later stated that the Palestinian Arabs would have a capital in eastern Jerusalem.
Inside the plan itself, which was released Tuesday, the Trump administration calls for most of the city to remain unified under Israeli sovereignty, while turning Arab neighborhoods outside of the security barrier into “Al Quds”, the capital of Palestine.

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