Photo of lab worker for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: IAEA Imagebank [License]

Antisemitic Blood Libels Find New Material During COVID Pandemic

Despite the blood libels Muslim, Jewish and Christian citizens of Israel share the same rights and freedoms. Just as a timely example, Israel’s capital of Jerusalem has three major hospitals that employ and treat people of all faiths and all backgrounds. There are doctors, nurses, lab workers and other associated staff from all religions working side-by-side to fight back against the coronavirus pandemic. Together, they treat patients from all walks of life without question and have worked hard to vaccinate anyone who’s interested. Unfortunately, the main stream media, anti-Israel politicians and many other antisemites have taken the pandemic as an opportunity to bash Israel yet again. We invite everyone to see for themselves what is going on — come to Jerusalem to see the medical offices and hospitals vaccinating patients of all religions, nationalities and backgrounds. You’ll see the same throughout Israel. And… please let the media and entertainers know that blood libels are not funny…

Photo of lab worker for illustrative purposes only. Photo Credit: IAEA Imagebank [License]

SNL’s Michael Che Finds Antisemitic Blood Libels Funny

Article Courtesy: Israellycool

Saturday Night Live “comedian” Michael Che made news last year after he joked that the winner for ‘Miss Hitler’ was Miss Israel.
“GoDaddy has shut down a website that hosts a ‘Miss Hitler’ beauty pageant. Coincidentally ‘Miss Hitler Beauty Pageant’ was the working title for ‘The Ingraham Angle.’ By the way Colin (his co-host), if you’re wondering who the winner of the ‘Miss Hitler’ pageant was Miss Israel.”
Because antisemitism is hilarious.
At least in Che’s mind; instead of being more sensitive in the wake of the backlash last time, he’s gone ahead and done it again.
Besides not being funny, it also happens to be a pernicious lie, whose goal can only be to stoke hatred against Israel and, more specifically, the Jewish people. As I have posted before, Israel’s vaccination program is open to all of Israel’s citizens – including our non-Jewish minorities – as well as palestinian Arabs under our jurisdiction.

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