Photo: Intercepted Iranian missile shipment to Gaza terrorists. Credit: Israel Defense Forces [License]

Jerusalem Prays For Victims of Islamic Terror in Southern Israel

Muslim terrorists in Gaza have been firing non-stop missiles in increasing numbers at the citizens of Southern Israel in the past couple of days. Over 400 deadly missiles have been fired at Israel over the past 48 hours alone. Several direct hits have occurred — including on a bus, a house and other civilian targets — and have killed and maimed multiple innocent people. And why has this occurred? Simply because this is anti-Semitic terrorism directed against the only Jewish country in the entire world — a world filled with dozens of Muslim and Christian countries but one single Jewish country. And you will certainly find all kinds of outrageous claims by the terrorists and their supporters — claiming that the terrorism is due to Israel’s sovereignty in Jerusalem or lies about an ancient nation called “Palestine.” However, all of the repeated lies can never cover up the truth. And the TRUTH is that Jerusalem is the eternal unified capital of the ancient and only homeland of the Jewish Nation. For that reason, people from around the world have gathered in Jerusalem over the past two days to pray for peace and security. Please join us in these prayers and help SHARE the TRUTH about Jerusalem and Israel!

Photo: Intercepted Iranian missile shipment to Gaza terrorists. Credit: Israel Defense Forces [License]

140,000 Missiles Aimed at Israel

Article Courtesy: Jerusalem Online

In a televised speech marking Hezbollah Martyr’s Day on Saturday, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the “source of our strength are our missiles”
The Hamas leader was responding to reports that Israel has warned the Lebanese government through American and European intermediaries that it was would attack Hezbollah in the near future to prevent it from acquiring advanced missiles.
”Hezbollah has a tremendous rocket capability and the enemy will not dare to attack Lebanon because of this power,” Nasrallah said.
The Hamas leader stressed the importance of keeping up the missile arsenal “If we must sell our homes” to maintain the missile force, we will do so,” he said
A report from the Jewish Institute for National Security of America’s (JINSA) Hybrid Warfare Task force, headed by several retired senior U.S. military officials has estimated that Hezbollah has as many as 140,000 missiles aimed at all of Israel, and Hezbollah currentlypossesses more firepower than 95 percent of the world’s conventional militaries, and more rockets and missiles than all European NATO members combined.”

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